TOPICS Q What is Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator software
1 What is Adobe Reader for Nokia
Series 80 Communicator software A Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator is free software that lets you
1 What Symbian OS devices does
view and navigate PDF documents on a Symbian OS powered device such as the
Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Nokia 9500 Communicator Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator
Communicator support enables you to view PDF les stored on your desktop computer using your
1 How do I download Adobe PDF Symbian OS powered device
les to my Symbian OS device
Q What Symbian OS devices does Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80
1 How will Adobe PDF les look
Communicator support
on my Symbian OS device
1 What does it mean when a PDF A At this time Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator runs on Nokia
is tagged Communicator 9210 9290 and 9500 series phones
1 What viewing options are
Q How do I download Adobe PDF les to my Symbian OS device
available for PDF les on my
Symbian OS device A To download PDF les to your Symbian OS device use the Receive Via Infrared
2 I can t re ow an Adobe PDF command or download PDF les from your computer your e mail account or the
document What s wrong Internet Follow the directions in the documentation that came with your device to
2 How are Adobe Acrobat and connect to a computer or the Internet and to download and transfer les
Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80
Communicator related Q How will Adobe PDF les look on my Symbian OS device
2 How much does Adobe Reader for A Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator adapts PDF les for high quality
Nokia Series 80 Communicator cost
viewing on smaller screens while preserving their rich content
2 In what languages is Adobe Reader
for Nokia Series 80 Communicator Q What does it mean when a PDF is tagged
A When a PDF is tagged for re ow you can re ow the content to t on the smaller
2 Can I zoom in on images and tables
screen of your Symbian OS device PDF authors create a tagged PDF le using
on my Symbian OS device
adobe Acrobat
2 Can I store my Adobe PDF les
on memory storage cards on To check whether the document is tagged select Document Info from the toolbar
my Symbian OS device A Yes next to the Tagged PDF eld means the PDF is tagged and you will be able
2 Can I access Adobe Reader for to re ow the PDF on your handheld device
Nokia Series 80 Communicator
within a Web browser Q What viewing options are available for PDF les on my Symbian OS device
A On Symbian OS devices you can view a PDF le in two ways
1 Re owed layout If your PDF le is tagged you can use Reader for Nokia Series
80 Communicator to re ow text and images so they are viewable within the
con nes of the smaller screen on your device That way you don t have to scroll to
read the entire le
2 Original document layout You can view Adobe PDF les exactly as intended by
the author This option preserves the structure of the original le Text and images
remain where the author placed them
Note that untagged Adobe PDF les can be viewed only in original document layout
Q I can t re ow an Adobe PDF document What s wrong
A If you can t re ow a PDF document it might be because the document isn t
tagged for viewing on a handheld device To check whether the document is
tagged select Document Info from the toolbar A Yes next to the Tagged PDF
eld means the PDF is tagged and you will be able to re ow the PDF on your
handheld device
Q How are Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80
Communicator related
A Using Adobe Acrobat you can convert an Adobe PDF le to a tagged Adobe PDF
le that can be read with Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator When
the tagged Adobe PDF le is viewed on a Symbian OS device you can choose to
re ow the le to t on the smaller screen PDF les created using Adobe Acrobat
o er the best reading experience on your Symbian OS device
Q How much does Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator cost
A Like all Adobe Reader products Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator is
free downloadable software and is available at www adobe com or wherever you see
the Download Adobe Reader icon In some cases Adobe Reader can also be found
on a companion CD packaged with your Nokia phone
Q In what languages is Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator
A Acrobat Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator is available in English French
German Italian Spanish and Japanese
Q Can I zoom in on images and tables on my Symbian OS device
A Yes but you must deselect re ow mode When re ow mode is selected Adobe
Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator automatically wraps text to t onto
the smaller screen so you don t have to scroll horizontally to read the PDF le
This mode does not allow you to zoom in on images and tables beyond the width
of the screen Once you deselect re ow you can zoom in on images and tables
just as you can on your desktop computer
Q Can I store my Adobe PDF files on memory storage cards on my
Symbian OS device
A Yes You can store les on multimedia memory cards MMCs You can also read
them from these cards
Q Can I access Adobe Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator within a Web
A No Adobe PDF les accessed through a wireless connection on the Symbian
OS device are opened in the Acrobat Reader for Nokia Series 80 Communicator
Adobe Systems Incorporated
345 Park Avenue San Jose CA 95110 2704 U S A
www adobe com
Adobe the Adobe logo Acrobat and Reader are either
registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems
Incorporated in the United States and or other
countries All other trademarks are the property of
their respective owners
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